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At the moment, artificial intelligence, contrary to its promise to bring greater equality to our already polarized planet, has only installed in our data processing ecosystem, Algorithmic bias contaminates pattern recognition and data-driven predictions. Algorithms are not aseptic entities, impartial and dissociated from their creators Iceland Phone Number List and interests, nor from the data sets with which they are fed, so it is easy to understand how discrimination crosses these entities, from the data to their results. The processing that algorithmic parameterization entails is plagued by discrimination that is impossible to completely eliminate, because the algorithms reduce the information to reducible dimensional clusters to patterns in order to handle it. These patterns establish a Iceland Phone Number List definition that, by its nature, is hegemonic and as discriminatory as the society in which it was created.
The multiplier effect of the damage produced by Iceland Phone Number List the algorithmic bias, a perfectly serialized discrimination, which operationalizes its impacts and perfectly reinforces the pre-existing oppressive structures in an automated way, is achieved in multiple ways. This bias produces the invisibility of everything that is not hegemonic and majority, the elaboration and reaffirmation of the stigmatization produced by stereotypes, the imbalance and selectivity of what is Iceland Phone Number List symbolically deserving of representation and the neutralization of everything that is presented as non-systemic.
The algorithmic bias fragments and generates the Iceland Phone Number List unreality of the inexistence of everything that does not follow the pattern idealized by the imperative of the dominant, and reinforces the binarism and discrimination that we already experience every day, Such bias can occur either through the way in which algorithms are trained with data sets that are discriminatory in themselves, by using sets that contain latent discriminatory biases, by the overabundance of historical data Iceland Phone Number List that oversize elements that lead to the multiplication of data. discriminatory effects, or by the conscious choice to underrepresent what is not hegemonic.